well this is embarrassing

I know, I know – I’m supposed to be taking a break.  But I want to share something embarrassing that just happened to me.

Sadly, an old friend, Dai, passed away really suddenly earlier this month. He suffered a heart attack while out cycling.  Horrible, horrible news to receive.  He was only in his late fifties.

Anyway, this morning I arranged to go to his internment (I couldn’t get to the church service before) so made the short drive to our local crematorium to pay my respects.  After seeing the first funeral cortège arrive and then depart, the second duly arrived just a little later than the allotted time; this is to be expected as the crematorium rarely operates in a timely manner.

Looking around I couldn’t see anyone outside waiting who I knew though. Until I spotted a fellow member of my old cycling club.  So, I inched over to Trevor and had a chat.  It was when the occupants of the second car alighted from it that I knew something was amiss.  The family getting out did not look at all like the family of my departed friend.  

We were at the wrong funeral!

It turned out our friend was being buried, not cremated, in the grounds of the crematorium  - but out of our sight.

As is usual at a funeral though, we had a good old laugh about it, safe in the knowledge that Dai would have been in stitches at such a mix up. Perhaps he was looking down having a right old chortle!


  1. Sorry to hear about your friend. But that IS kinda' funny....going to the wrong funeral! ;)


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