
Back in mid February 2002 I had to give evidence in Swansea Crown Court in relation to a person my council had reported to police in connection with a major benefit fraud.

Of course I dressed appropriately in my best suit and, because there were two defendants meaning two defence barristers, I was in the witness box for almost two days.

At the end of this ordeal I was released from my duties by the judge and I returned to my normal job. This also meant returning to the casual clothes I usually wore to work: some beige coloured jeans and an open shirt with no tie.  I know, office standards have slipped!

During the following day though I was recalled to court to give advice on a legal term in the benefit regulations.

Of course I was now dressed inappropriately for court but nevertheless stood once again in the witness box and gave my evidence.  I then asked if I could stay for the rest of the proceedings as the case was due to finish that day.  So I took my place in the public gallery.

After about half an hour, one of the court clerks approached me and mentioned my trousers.  I thought I was in some sort of trouble for attending court in the wrong attire and about to incur the wrath of the judge.

However the clerk informed me that one of the defence barristers liked my jeans and was curious to know where I got them as he was keen on obtaining a pair.  I told her and she jotted it down before passing the note to the barrister who looked over and thanked me.

It was remarkable that the case got as far as it did.  On valentines day, well into the case, one of the jurors sent the prosecution barrister a valentines card and had to be removed.

Luckily the case wasn't abandoned so I didn't have to go through my witness ordeal or explain where I bought my clothes again.


  1. Hee hee. I got accused of stealing someone's trousers once! Needless to say, I was innocent.

  2. I'll try and remember that little trick the next time I'm summoned for jury duty. Give a card to one of the attorneys!! Brilliant!


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