
The recent warm weather has seen us completely opening the doors and windows at the back of the house to enjoy some fresh air and that feeling of bringing the outdoors indoors.

Fine.  Except for the bloody flies.

Within seconds of opening a door there seems to have been an influx of the damn things inviting themselves in.  What gets me with them though, is that although there is more open space than actual window with everything open, they seem unable to make their way back out of my house, instead just repeatedly flying up and down the small areas of glass blocking their exit until their inevitable death.  Some of these are next to an open space of about 80 square feet but they still can’t find their way to freedom.

Therefore, I have come to the remarkable conclusion that they are stupid.

But then I suppose we should be glad of that.

Otherwise they would be gaining entry to our homes, stealing our possessions, hogging the sofa and not letting us change channel on the TV or radio.

Bloody pests.


  1. LOL I'm always amazed that the window can be open inches away and they STILL bang their heads against the glass! :-/


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