chase the light or...

...let the light come to you?

A dilemma I've faced many a time as a photographer, especially when out in the landscape waiting for that cloud to move perfectly into place so it'll glow in golden sunset or sunrise light.  Perhaps if I just change location a little I'll get what I want?

Sometimes though, the light comes to you.

While out on a walk back in late August, that happened to me.  It was a relatively cloudy evening with the sun breaking through every now and then.  And I was watching some leaves as they gently danced their dance in the soft breeze, the clouds parted and shone down directly where I was looking.

I had to act fast to get my image though and therefore the focus is not quite as pin-sharp as I'd have liked.  But as I said recently, it's about the memory and not the technical proficiency of the photographer.  And this is certainly a memory I enjoyed making and looking back on for this post.

Nikon D700, Micro Nikkor 105mm f2.8G
1/40th of a second at f3.3, ISO 200

Wouldn't it have been just perfect  if there had been a bug silhouetted against the bright light on the other side of one of the illuminated leaves?  Can't have it all I guess.  At least, I can't!

Hopefully I'll be able to catch up and post some more recently taken images soon.

In the meantime, if you want to see how the seasons started to change around my area back in September, then this week's video is a must.


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