
Not the baked variety unfortunately but the type used by web sites to learn your browsing tendencies and therefore make your web use more pleasurable and tailored to your own personal preferences.

They also somehow lead to you receiving emails advertising things that may be of interest to you.

Now my browsing habits and history are quite simple and straightforward.  I like looking at sites to do with:

- cars
- bikes
- football
- drums
- cameras.

I do shop a fair bit on Amazon and iTunes but apart from the odd drift onto Facebook or Twitter (other social media sites are available) that's pretty well it.  Oh, and the mac forums site I mentioned in an earlier post.

Why then, and baring in mind I am actually seriously ill, am I receiving up to 4 emails a day inviting me to "plan my funeral"!?

Seriously I get loads.  All the time.  Every day.

Just how do Plan My Funeral Ltd (or whatever they are called) know that I may be interested in their services,  Incidentally I have no doubt that I am not about to die.  But I guess you never know. In fact Plan My Funeral Ltd seem to think my demise is imminent.

I have no desire to plan my funeral just yet.  If I do shuffle off I'll leave it to someone else to organise.  It's not as if I'll be in any position to complain about what they choose to do for my send off is it?

My sister did once ask me what song I'd like played as they cart me off to the inferno.  I decided that "Another One Bites the Dust" would be quite apt, so as long as that's played I'll be quite happy.

So, if anyone from Plan My Funeral Ltd happens upon this, please stop sending me emails - I'm not quite ready to bite the dust and turn into it just yet.


  1. As I'm likely to go before you, little brother, you should know that I also would like that Queen song.

  2. I actually spend an inordinate amount of time planning my funeral in my head! I’ve decided I want the local rum distillery to cater it. Everybody should get good and snockered! I even have the eulogy ready….. It should be like an old fashioned Irish wake (although they can leave out the part about propping me up in the corner!) And I want my ashes to be sprinkled from the terrace of a high rise condo that overlooks the river. That way I can ‘blow around’ and travel! And now you’ve added the finishing touch of what song to play! Thanks!

  3. Robin, I almost woke John with laughter at the idea of the local rum distillery!


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