
I’ll be the first to admit that my drawing skills are extremely limited.  Yes, I have an O’ level in Art dating back to 1980 but I could never describe myself as anything approaching an artist.

But with unlimited time on my hands and a spur of the moment trip to my local art supplies shop, I decided I needed to rectify this shortcoming in my skill set and bought myself some sketching and colouring pencils along with a small sketch book.  Total cost around £5.


But I learned this morning that my purchase was a complete waste of money.  I found out that Apple make an electronic pencil to accompany their touch devices like iPad.  They describe the device as revolutionary and then go on to painstakingly list all the things you can do with it.  You can write, take notes, draw, sketch.  If you press harder, you get thicker lines and you can produce shade effects.


Erm, excuse me but hasn’t it all been done before?  With the original pencil and a piece of paper?  I’m all for technological advance and I love Apple products, but really is this device necessary?  An electronic pencil? 

The cost of all this?  £5?  Good Lord no.  This will set you back £79.  Plus the cost of your iPad if you haven’t already got one of course.

I think this has been developed just so hipsters can look even more hip when they pull out their iPencil at an office meeting, while the luddites produce their old fashioned manual one or even a laptop.  Me, I think I’ll stick with my newly acquired colouring book and pencils.




  1. Another reason to hate Apple! Bwhahaha...... ;) (can't wait to see your sketchbook!)


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