it's time for a rest

After almost a year of tai chi and hydro therapy I've decided that I'm going to rest up over the winter.

I saw my MacMillan nurse last week and she agreed this would be a good course of action.  I'm experiencing a degree of pain in my left side caused probably by nerve damage and I'm hoping that rest will ease the symptoms somewhat, which I have noticed are worse in the cold weather.  My doctor is organising a scan to discover what exactly is causing this pain.

Besides, the weekly drive to the hospital won't be missed - especially in the winter months!

So, what to do to keep myself occupied?

I still haven't built the website I promised to do; the spare room needs remodelling and decorating and there's always my camera of course.

But if the last week is anything to go by, being left at home all week is going to be expensive.  I've already ordered the fitting of an alarm system at home and commissioned some lovely iron gates for the driveway.

Roll on next spring!


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