the moon

Firstly, can I apologise for the delay in making this post?  Unfortunately my health has not been the best lately.  

Would you believe, I've had chickenpox!!

I'm 52!

Anyway, enough of that already.

A couple of weeks ago, just before I began experiencing excruciating pain under my left arm coupled with an eruption of (at the time really very (very) worrying) lumps and blisters, I was experimenting using a 200mm lens on my compact Nikon camera.  Due to witchcraft, this yielded a focal length of around 550mm - Ideal for taking pictures of things a long way away.

Naturally my attention turned to something that has always captured my imagination -the moon.

Now, taking pictures of the moon isn't as easy as you might imagine.  It's a long way away and it moves across the sky surprisingly quickly.  Getting focus is tricky and the scene is very, erm, contrasty (is that a word even?).

But, tripod deployed, undeterred I happily snapped away.

I'm quite happy with the result, but now yearn for a proper adapter to use our telescope to get real close up images.

Ironically, its cratered surface resembled the state of my skin shortly afterwards!

I told you it wasn't easy


  1. Chicken Pox or Shingles? Either way you have my deepest sympathy! I've had both... :(
    BTW, great pic!

  2. What a wonderful picture. Super moon this month.


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