got my mojo working, innit

I spent a week over New Year with my lovely sister in Kent.  I always enjoy spending time with her and this time was no different.  And in fact, I can thank her for re-invigorating my somewhat waning enthusiasm for photography.

How did she do that you may ask?

Did she drag me out at the crack of dawn for a sunrise?  Force me to take portraits of her cat?  Keep me away from my bed at dusk?

No.  We spent a lovely evening going through all her photographic gear – cameras, lenses, filters, bags – reorganising and cleaning things and charging batteries. 

And then we went out to take pictures. 

I realised how much I’d missed going out on a proper landscape photo shoot.  Planning everything from the location to the angle and position of sunset or sunrise for the perfect light, getting all the gear ready, setting everything up and then waiting for that crucial moment when the light and composition is just right to press the shutter release.  And then there’s the getting home, uploading the images to the computer and processing them to get the desired results.

It was then that I decided to commit to posting a photo a week on here.

Although I’ve never stopped taking pictures, my health and lack of mobility has meant that these have been limited to my garden or just quick snaps whilst out and about.  That's not enough for me.  You see, I’m quite a boring man really (no, really!!), and I actually enjoy waiting around for ages to get the right image.  It doesn’t bother me.  What else would I be doing anyway?

I’ve already got myself out to the coast for one expedition last weekend (see my previous post), and now I can’t wait to plan and execute the next one.

Best I pop into the camera shop…..

nice hat


  1. You beat me to it.... NICE HAT!!! lol ;)

  2. And let it be known that THAT picture was taken by said sister - ie. me - with her iphone!! It IS a very nice hat.

    1. LOL, your iPhone....she says holding back a snicker....... ;)


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