still playing with toys at my age

Just a couple of months ago I turned sixty.  yes, I know it's hard to believe with my youthful (stop laughing at the back) looks and teenage mentality, but in my head I'm still a twelve-year-old!

And twelve-year-olds play with toys, don't they?  OK these days it's iPads, Nintendo or a PlayStation but back in my day we had none of that.  I had Airfix plastic kits, Meccano and, my favourite, Lego to keep my mind and time occupied.

I'd come up with all sorts of concoctions with my metal or plastic pieces before tearing them down and starting again.

But just recently, and thanks to my daughter who is obsessed with Lego, I too became equally obsessed, starting with simple kits of cars and a couple of cameras (of course) and leading to the really quite complex Technics range of models.

I've now made four of them, culminating with my latest technical tour de force in a 1750-piece Peugeot Le Mans car.

Now, there's no way I'm taking these part and re-building them!  This Peugeot took me four days to finish.  It would have been quicker, but I found out after a couple of hours of building that I'd gone wrong right at the very start, so had to take it apart and start again.

Oh how I laughed...

Anyway, I've made a video (no way, really?!?!) about it all which you can watch by clicking below:



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