
Firstly may I apologise for the gap since my last post - I've not been very well sorry.

The last few times I've been in hospital I've had a healthy appetite and there was always something on the menu I could eat.  And I would generally eat it all.

However this last stay has found me with no appetite and strugglng not only to eat the food provided here, but anything brought in from home as well.  Even Joe's ice cream or any sweet items come to that.  I've still got a drawer full of wine gums and other normally lovely items which remain unopened and uneaten.  I cant even face eating those.

I take anti sickness tablets to combat the almost permanent nausea I am experiencing and although they make the feeling go away they do nothing to restore my appetite.

The answer?  I eat what I can and take supplementary milk shake drinks which taste quite acceptable and fill me with calories which I need for my physiotherapy to be effective.

The latest thing I've been recommended is Pringles.  So I'll give those a go tonight.

Who knows, once I pop I won't be able to stop...


  1. Nice to see that your sense of humour hasn't been affected Nick!!!!!

  2. I hope the Pringles help. I sold my soul to the Devil in college to never throw up or feel nauseated ever worked until just recently. I guess the contract has run out...... :-/


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