
Like most people I buy a paper to keep abreast of the news and myself well informed.

I buy my choice of paper (The Times) because it annoys me and I like something to argue with and moan about.  And sometimes I can do the crossword.


From Monday to Saturday The Times comes in handy tabloid format but on a Sunday that all changes and the paper reverts to double its normal size.  Fine if you're at home and at the kitchen or dining table, but a complete pain if you're in stuck in hospital and particularly if you're in bed.  The paper becomes impossible to read.

Apart from its sheer size, the front page usually contains several stories, none of which actually start and finish on that page.  It's usually continued on page 17, column 5 or some other combination mening you have to open the unwieldy tome to find the rest of the bloody story - usually about half a paragraph.

So here'a an idea to the publishers of the paper: have fewer sories on the front page, who knows, maybe just one, that starts and finishes without the reader resorting to yoga to find where it continues.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You need to learn the ‘subway fold’! Every Times reader must master this skill to qualify as a bona fide subscriber. ;)


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