Swiss cheese

I remember an episode of Fawlty Towers where Basil (the hotel's owner) was trying to say that his wife's mind was akin to a piece of Swiss cheese - full of holes.

Well that's exactly how I feel right this moment.

Since my admission to A&E a week last Saturday, I have had so many needles inserted into me for the purpose of administering medicine through tubes, taking blood samples, etc that I'd lost count.  So yesterday evening I thought I would tally up these incursions into my skin.

Most have gone incident free but some have yielded no blood whatsoever.

Anyway I was able to count 37 different puncture wounds  in my arms, wrists and hands.


Thats an avarage of 3 a day and a statistic that I can well do without.

And yes, I do feel like Cybil Fawlty's mind.


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