I'm hot

It’s time for a moan.

I spend quite a lot of time in bed these days.  Usually by 8 or 9 pm at the latest my back ache is telling me that I need to take my painkillers and have a long lie down.

This doesn’t bother me.  I’ve never been a late-night person and have always liked to be tucked in early.

But since I’ve been unwell I’ve suffered with terrible night sweats.  Apparently these are quite common amongst cancer sufferers but they are dreadfully uncomfortable.  Some nights I’m forced to get up and change my clothing, and sleeping on a soaking wet pillow is not particularly pleasant.

Also, this means I must make sure I drink plenty of fluid.  And that has its own consequences making a restful night’s sleep nigh on impossible.  And then there’s the laundry.

I’ve tried everything.  A cool bath before bed.  A hot bath before bed.  Cotton night clothes.  No night clothes.  Nothing seems to help, so I guess it’s something I’m just going to have to live with.

Or sleep outside.


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