well, that was merry

Just before Christmas I wrote on here about how I was looking forward to our first normal Christmas in years.

Jinxed myself.

Christmas Eve saw me having to contact the emergency out of hours GP service as my daughter developed a really nasty virus.  High temperature, aching, shivering, nausea, delirium, etc. which lasted all over the holidays and put a bit of a dampener on things as you can imagine.

Of course, the virus then found its way on to and into me.

Then last night, just as we were planning on seeing the New Year in quietly, I had to drive our lovely dog to the emergency vet service as he had been vomiting over the previous 24 hours and was just lying motionless through most of the evening – poor thing.  I got home with a freshly anti-sickness vaccinated Dexter about 11.45pm and just went straight to bed and fell asleep without seeing 2017 in.

Still, it’ll be next Christmas in what will feel like 3 weeks time, so not long to wait to avenge yet another hopeless one.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry, Nick!! Well, maybe you got all the bad stuff out of the way and 2017 will only get better from here! Here's hoping!


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