where, just where?

I’ve recently had to buy some plug things to charge USB devices like a Kindle, iPhone, etc.

I say some because I’ve had to buy 4.  Not because they keep breaking.  But because they keep going missing.  I plug it in in the kitchen, and then just leave it there for when it’s needed next.  Only whenever I go to use it next it’s not there.  Or anywhere.  Ever.

Just where the bloody hell do they go?  I’m now on the 4th one and have taken to hiding it between uses.

I’ve asked the women in the house whether they’ve moved them.  Nope is the answer.  So, is there some sort of paranormal activity taking place here?  Is there a USB triangle?  Or, as I suspect, are they deep in a drawer somewhere after being “put away” by someone who has absolutely no idea where they put them?

Anyway, this last one I’ve bought is plugged in by the side of my bed and is hidden out of sight to anyone who doesn’t know it’s there.

I’ll update you when it goes missing.


  1. LOL I bet they're in the same place as all those missing socks!


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