defying the odds

I like being the underdog.  The one who tries his hardest.  And defies probability.

This may only be a tiny victory but it's a victory nonetheless.

You see, I saw my consultant at hospital last week for my latest 3 monthly check-up.  And my cancer is still being managed.  In fact, the level of paraprotein in my blood has actually dropped a little bit.  

So, I'm ahead.  For once in my life.

My doctor told me the average timespan from stem cell transplant to relapse is 2 years.  I am now at 2 years and 4 months.  It's not much but I'm clinging onto the fact that I'm now winning!

I know that as time passes the likelihood of me one day receiving bad news increases.  But for now I'm relaxing and basking in the glory of my victory.

Now, if only my beloved football team could adopt the same attitude....

my happy place - for thinking happy thoughts :-)


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