landscape photography made easy

I really enjoy watching videos of landscape photographers going about their business.  In particular, I like Thomas Heaton and Ben Horne from the UK and USA respectively.  They make incredible images, beautiful to look at and, with the help of their videos, telling a story.

Part of that story is the effort they make to get to their locations; often hiking for miles before setting up their tripods and cameras.  In Ben’s case, he shoots with a large format camera so setting that up is in itself a feat of engineering and science.

And I used to do the same.  Not with a large format camera, but I’d hike for miles, usually during pre-dawn darkness to arrive at a location safe in the knowledge there’d be no-one else there – perhaps for days.

But I can’t do that anymore, obviously.

I do, though, have an alternative.  And it’s an alternative that is going to provide me with a project throughout the rest of this year.  It’s the grandly titled “Landscape Photography from Acar” (a play on the word “afar”).  It is what it says it is: photographs taken from easy to reach locations.  Perhaps a car park or lay-by, or even just stopping at the roadside.  Whatever, there’ll be little actual walking involved.

The challenge with this is not to get to some remote, isolated location.  But to make an image that looks like it’s in some remote, isolated location.  Sort of like the Great Pyramids just outside the sprawling metropolis of Cairo, but on a smaller scale.

My goal?  To produce a box set of images or even a calendar maybe, and to prove that you don’t need to be super fit and mobile to enjoy breath-taking landscape photography. 

Wish me luck!

simply stunning.....


  1. LOL Well, even that shot has it's place. And it does tell a story of its own. ;)


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