can it get any worse?

Eight years ago, I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, both of which were causing my heart to beat incredibly quickly and with absolutely no rhythm.

Then four years ago I get myeloma.

It could be argued that I’ve been rather unlucky on the health front.

Then in September I had a procedure to hopefully cure my heart issues. Well, I’m not sure if it’s worked as nigh on two months later, I still suffer the same symptoms along now with something new: dizziness and light headedness.  I feel sometimes as if I’m about to pass out.

Worst of all though it’s meant that I have to stop driving.  This has meant a complete loss of independence especially when Lisa is in work and I’m stuck indoors.  Which in turn means I’ve had to stop my landscape photography – the one thing I have left to enjoy.  I suppose I could use public transport, but that means leaving Dexter at home.  And I won’t do that to him.

I was hoping my cardiologist would just tinker with my medication and all would be sorted.  But no. I have to wear a heart monitor for a week and record my dizzy spells when they occur.  There are two negatives with this:

1. There is a waiting list for a monitor
2. Of course, my heart will be impeccably behaved whilst I’m wearing it meaning I’ll be no nearer any sort of diagnosis or resolution.

In short, this could take months to resolve.

Now I completely understand my driving ban and I’m not complaining.  But once again I’m left bemoaning my complete and utter lack of any good fortune whatsoever.  It feels like I’m never going to catch a break in life.


damn you, damn you, damn you


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