I'm struggling

At the time of writing this (the last day of March) I find myself in something of a creative “slump”.

I usually have loads of ideas about things to write about for this blog or just for myself, pictures to take or videos to produce.

I started doing more multi-media projects (just for myself) involving images, video, words and music, which I find really enjoying – but lately it seems I have lost my mojo.

Now, this has happened before and I’m sure it’ll happen again, but this slump in my output is concerning me.  It comes at a time when my health is not great – I’m getting totally exhausted even after seemingly mundane tasks and walking anywhere, ANYWHERE, is becoming a very real problem both in terms of fatigue and pain.

So, what to do?

Buy something new?  No, I can’t do that as I’ve bought far too much lately anyway.  Take a total break?  That seems the best option but then I can’t guarantee that I’d come out of it the other end refreshed or motivated enough to take on future challenges. 

I could just soldier on and produce what I can when I can, but I really don’t want the quality (no really!) of my output to suffer; that’s simply not fair on you folks who read this, look at my pictures or view my videos.

I just don't know.

Post script:

I literally forced myself out at sunrise recently to get the above image which I am really happy with.  But it came at a price.  I somehow fell quite badly and although I didn't break any bones (only bruises) it has severely dented my confidence and made me realise how vulnerable I am (there was no phone signal there and absolutely no-one else around and I'd have been stuck with the tide quickly coming in had I done serious damage to myself).


  1. I'm sorry to hear you fell. That can be very scary! I have no advice on that problem but I will chime in about losing your mojo. Take a break and fill yourself with inspiration.......online or in real life. Go to museums, check out websites watch Youtube videos.....anything that interests you. The muse sometimes takes a vacation but she always comes back. We have to learn to be patient with her (or maybe in your case 'him'!)


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