this, my friends, is the end

I wrote last week about technology and in particular the question of where it will all end.

Well, looking at the newest tech on show at CES 2020 last week I think I may have the answer.

You see, amongst the 8K cameras and 5G handsets rested an item so ridiculous that you now have to realise we really have plumbed the depths of what technology can do.

Now, I'm all for a "smart" home, but a rubbish bag that realises when it is full and then ties itself up so you don't have to go to the extreme difficulty of doing it yourself has, or soon will be at any rate, launched.

no, really - I didn't make this up


Along with a robot that delivers a toilet roll to you while on the WC, a suitcase that transforms into a table and a harness that claims to be able to tell you what mood your dog is in (let me guess, erm, hungry???) this futuristic bin really does prove that there is nothing left.


Oh, apart that is for another robot to forget to take the bins out.


  1. I agree 100%! Pretty soon all we'll do is sit on our asses....oh wait......that's all we do now! :( (and then pay gym fees to get/stay in shape! Ridiculous!)

  2. OMG...the end of days I tell ya....


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