my hero

Ansel Adams is probably the most well-known landscape photographer of all time.  I mean, I'm getting there slowly but…

In the last part of my little series paying tribute to some of my favourite photographers (the first two were Irving Penn and David Bailey) I chose Adams as I returned to familiar and far more comfortable photographic ground.

His images documenting America's national parks are legendary, and have inspired countless landscape photographers, me included, to create images that have a sense of soul and tell a story.  His most famous image, Moonrise, is priceless.

He developed (pardon the pun) many different techniques both in the field and the dark room.

He was perhaps less well known for his seascapes, but many of them have inspired me as a seascape photographer.

I just hope my small tribute has done him justice?

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon GF 100-200mm f5.6 @ 100mm
1/100th of a second @ f16, ISO 100
tripod, self timed release, a bucket of nostalgia and crossed fingers

As is usual, you can watch a video about the making of this image by clicking on the link below:

I'll be taking a short break for a couple of weeks over the summer.  See you all soon :-)


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