it's golden

A mix this week between a landscape and a macro image.  It's neither and it's both.  It's a close up of the landscape!  Some grasses to be precise.

I wanted to create an artsy type image of some golden grasses, with only a shallow depth of field meaning the in focus area would be quite narrow, with the foreground and background thrown out of focus.  So, I set my camera and macro lens on my tripod, found a nice patch of grass and shot around ten images slightly moving the focal point each time.

I chose the image you see below from my collection, as I think this conveys the feeling I was after best of all.

Nikon D700, Micro Nikkor 105mm f2.8
1/6400th of a second at f3, ISO 200

I particularly like the detail in the really delicate grasses.  They look like miniature golden fireworks exploding.  Well, I think so, anyway!

And before you all write in to complain or call the police, no this is NOT the same golden grasses image that I posted a couple of weeks back.  This one is completely different.  Honest, officer...


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