it's done

Today was the day.  The day that saw the culmination of MacMillan’s “Brave the Shave” month and my own personal shave for this wonderful charity.

I was surprised at how much hair actually came off, along with the absence of grey bits.  When I used to have a haircut before my cancer, the floor looked like someone had shaved an angry Jack Russell there was that much white and grey hair lying around.  But my hair has grown back a lot darker and sans grey it would seem.

Now I must warn any ladies reading that there is a picture of me below après shave, and that my wife on hearing my comments that I thought I now resembled a more mature and rugged Jude Law, was obviously so pleased that she hasn’t stopped laughing for long enough yet to agree with me.

Whatever, along with my transformation, I’ve raised over £200 which I’m sure when added to the sums hopefully raised by thousands of other brave shavers out there, will mean MacMillan will be able to continue to provide the wonderful services they do to cancer sufferers, their families and carers.

you can't say you weren't forewarned!

If anyone reading this was kind enough to sponsor me then I would like to say a huge thank you from myself, and also on behalf of MacMillan, Jude Law and Jack Russell dogs everywhere.

Thank you.


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