apples and pears

Whenever I tell someone I have or have had a number of Apple computers, phones and other devices the usual response is that I’ve bought overpriced, underperforming tat; form over substance; paying for the name, and that I could have much better performing equipment for half the price.


I wonder then why many professionals choose Apple over anything else. It can’t be because “it just works” can it?

I have a favourite saying in life: buy cheap, buy twice.  And it’s a mantra I’ve lived by.  I have over the years bought the best thing or device I could afford and by and large have been repaid for this philosophy.  For instance, I’ve only ever bought (in 30 years) 2 cookers, fridge freezers and washing machines.  I bought quality at the time and in the long run saved money by doing so.

So, where does Apple come into all this?

Well, for the first time in 12 years of buying Apple products I had a major problem.  The screen on my 3-year-old MacBook Pro started to delaminate to the point that I could no longer use the computer.  So, I took it into the Apple shop and they repaired it.  Free of charge.  No quibbles, no questions asked.  They undertook a £350 repair for nothing.  I doubt you’d get that service from any other laptop manufacturer.

Apple.  A bi-word for quality.

My very first Apple devices, a 12-year-old iPod and an 11-year-old iMac are still working absolutely faultlessly.  I also have an 8-year-old MacBook that looks and performs like new.

In our ever increasingly throw-away society I’m glad I paid more for quality products, including my Apple stuff.  Did I over pay?  I don’t think so.

Oh, and it does “just work”.


  1. Speaking from the 'Android' side of life.....I agree about buying the best you can afford. But I don't think Apple is the 'be all and end all' of technology. I have had Samsung products for years and they're still going strong and have had equally good tech support. I guess we'll have to 'agree to disagree' on this one. :D

  2. Nicky,
    Was just inquiring as to how you are and if you'd decided what course of action to take with your ablation?
    Lou in Jersey


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