
Now, it’s impossible to photograph the wind.  No matter how strong it’s blowing.  Sometimes it’s possible to convey how windy it is by using motion blur, but actually taking a picture of it?

But on a recent visit to Rhossili Bay on the Gower Peninsula, the wind was so strong that it was nigh on impossible to even stand up sometimes let alone take a photograph.

I’d gone in the hope of capturing a panoramic sweep of the bay, but conditions were so severe it was too dangerous to stand anywhere near the edge of the coastal cliffs to get the composition I wanted.  I had to set my tripod up close to the ground to prevent it and my camera disappearing over the cliffs nearby.

The image below was my consolation prize.  Not the photograph I wanted to take.  You can see the white caps on the waves in the bay perhaps giving some clue as to the conditions.

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon 32-64mm f4 at 32mm
1/40thof a second at f11, ISO 100
Tripod, self-timer release, stern resolve!


  1. I was there during the tail end of a hurricane early last year, the tripod as low as it would go and me sat on the grass with my leg threaded through the locking arms.... Invigorating!
    Great photo Nicky.


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