I just plain forgot

Sorry for the delay in this Thursday' post.

It's not deliberate or anything.  I just straight up forgot to post anything.  And that reminded me of the reason why.

I worked for 32 years before having to retire in 2015.  So that was 32 years of routine, working Monday to Friday aside from holidays or times when we were so busy there were no weekends.

And with that routine came the knowledge of what day in the week it was.  I looked forward to Fridays and didn't much like Mondays (or Tuesdays for that matter!).

Also my cycling gave me a routine.  Mondays were always a rest day followed by a massage.  Tuesdays and Thursdays saw evening races.  Fridays were always a day off before racing again on the weekend.

In the winter there was the football - a home game every other Saturday.  Now though, thanks to the demands of TV, there are games on all days of the week so I can't set my clock by my fortnightly bout of frustration at yet another poor performance from my team.

Saturday meant football.  Not necessarily these days.

So, my weeks, months and years had a structure.  A never-changing pattern.  A rhythm almost if you like.

But now?  Now there is nothing.  I don't work and I don't race my bike.  And I honestly don't know what day of the week it is now that I don't have that routine.

And I'm not sure whether I like it or not, or whether I'll ever get used to it.


  1. Ah, the 'wonderfulness' of retirement! Isn't it lovely? Every day is a 'holiday'! Enjoy it! :D


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