nurse...the pain

Indoor training on one’s bicycle is a necessary evil in Wales in the winter months.  I say evil as riding along for an hour or so without actually going anywhere and with no scenery to view is both mind and body numbing.

It’s boring and there’s nothing to take your mind away from the pain in your legs that increases seemingly exponentially every few minutes.  There are no downhill bits so you can’t freewheel, and no tail wind so you can’t soft pedal.

No, more effort means more pressure on the pedals means more pain.  I do listen to the radio or to some music but that doesn’t really help that much.

But just this week I made my roller sessions just a little more tolerable.  I mounted an old television onto the garage wall and bought a cheap streaming device so now I can watch TV (old bike races are the best) or YouTube or such like to help pass the time and take my mind off more, erm, pressing issues shall we say.

So, now I can ride along with the Tour de France peloton safe in the knowledge that my indoor training routine will now pass along much, much quicker.

It’ll still hurt though.  Nurse...


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