this is why I like Apple so much

For all the technical witchcraft that I own, I’m actually no technical wizard.

I’m of that in-between age where if something doesn’t work, I resort to shouting at it instead of clicking a few buttons to get it to work again.

I like Apple because to coin a well-used phrase, it all just works.  Seamlessly.

I mean, I can start writing this on my phone while out somewhere then carry on typing on my iMac when I get home and then on my iPad or MacBook Pro when I go to bed.  (Yes, those days do actually exist – try writing a blog!!). 

Also, I can copy say an image from my computer and paste it onto a note on my iPhone.  All without really thinking or doing anything remotely complicated.  It’s as if they are just one device.  I can have phone conversations on my computer, and text messages too.

And just recently I’ve started using the “Sidecar” functionality on my iPad meaning I can use it to more accurately touch up photographs to get rid of unsightly things I don’t want in them.

It’s all just so easy.

But Apple as a company is very, very easy to dislike.  I don’t enjoy many of their business practices and I wish so much that they were more ethical.  (Then again, in an age where pretty well everything you touch, wear or interact with has been manufactured by almost slave labour somewhere, where do you turn?  Perhaps that’s another subject for another day.)

But you have to admit that their stuff does “just work”, and that for me is enough.

For now, at least.


  1. I can do all of that (and more) with Windows and Andriod. ;)

    1. maybe so Robin, but without that degree of style and panache that Apple affords!

  2. Whew! As a former IT professional in State Govt, I certainly have a strong opinion here..but retirement and a couple of near death experiences has mellowed me...sigh...both have their strengths, and both have their significant weaknesses. As a result, I have both in my life...a PC, which I can customize to my every whim, and will usually always outperform Apple computers in terms of speed and customizability, but no one will take away my iPad Pro until it’s yanked out of my cold dead hands! It is my faithful companion all day and a good portion of the night during insomnia episodes. As for my phone, I acknowledge that Android makes wonderful hardware(a touch better than Apple) although as an IT person I can tell you that it’s operating system is the least secure of the bunch. Even my technically knowledgeable friends who have used android phones have fallen prey to terrible malware and scams because google doesn’t know how to police their App Store from scam artists. As a result, my daily driver is an iPhone... for the reason cited by just works..and as a natural extension of the iPad. My two cents.


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