rotten light

There's no point trying to take a half decent photograph in rubbish light.

But sometimes, when it's all you've got to work with, you do your best and instead of looking for interesting slants on a subject just look for a pretty view.

A couple of weeks ago, and desperate to get out of the house, I took the half-hour drive to our "paradise", an area of the Swansea Valley near the source of the river Tawe.

I've been there literally hundreds of times (I know - I go on about it all the time like, oh I don't know, a world leader who just aced a cognitive test for example), but have never shot this view.  And it is just a shot of just a view because of the conditions: crystal clear blue skies with no interest and harsh, direct sunlight.

The conditions though made the imge technically challenging.  Preventing flare by protecting the lens and removing the glare off the water by polarising the image were the main difficulties here.

Anyway, it's the best I could do.  And it sort of reminds me of Windows XP!

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon 23mm f4
1/9th of a second at f16, ISO 100
tripod, self-timer release, Haida Circular Polarising Filter


  1. Quite beautiful, even if conditions weren't optimal. :)


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