more of the same???

I'm sat here in my small home office and I'm bored.

It's not as if I haven't got lots to do - I have.  Like making more videos, writing more pieces for this blog and working on a new book.  It's just that it's the same as last year, and the year before that (and so on).

Not being well enough to do a proper job is grating on me.  I've always been productive and busy.  I was never one to shirk away from a difficult task and in fact enjoyed work more when the pressure was on to meet a tight deadline, or to make sure that the case I was dealing with was absolutely water-tight.

And now?

I just make videos, take pictures and pen a few words.

I thought that publishing my first book on Amazon would help.  It did for about five minutes as will its successor that I'm working on right now.

I'll get over this period of self-pity, I always do (I've had them regularly since I had to stop working).  And I'll busy myself again doing the same old stuff.

Perhaps it's because I have no hunger or any real financial need to make my little media venture work and provide an income.  Perhaps if I did then it'd be more of a challenge and I'd work harder at it.  But it's all just a bit of fun really.

Yes if people watch my videos, like my photos and buy the odd book or print it's gratifying.  But it's just not wholly satisfying.

Oh well, back to chapter one...


You can watch my latest short offering by clicking below.  It's just 3 minutes of drone footage shot at a recent outing to our paradise.


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