a blissful escape

By the time you read this, the world might have ended.

Hang on....if it has then this won't exist to read anyway.

Whatever, back in mid January with Russia poised to invade the western world, and the UK embroiled in partygate, I felt the need to escape and get away from it all.

So, I headed to the place I always go to when I need some peace and quiet - our little patch of paradise.  OK so it's a stream in the Swansea Valley bordering the southern Brecon Beacons, but it is lovely there.  And when I say stream, it's actually the beginnings of the River Tawe which empties into the Bristol Channel in my home city of Swansea.

Naturally my constant companion Dexter was with me, and it was so cold there that even he didn't grumble at having to put a coat on.  He did have a go at me for forgetting his treats though!

The image I got is a bit "meh" (the hoped for cloud melted away), and we didn't see the dippers we hoped we would, but that's not the point.  We got away from all the stress for the afternoon, got out into the freshest of fresh air and just enjoyed sitting on the riverbank doing nothing.

Fujifilm GFX100. Fujinon GF23mm f4
2 seconds @ f16, ISO 100
tripod, self-timed release, Haida 105mm circular polariser

Naturally I filmed this outing, because as you know, everything in life is a video these days!


  1. Isn't it nice to have a place where you can do nothing and get re-centered? Yours is lovely. :)


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