it's good to have a plan

Back on 24th January we took Dexter to Craig y Nos Country Park to celebrate his 8th birthday.  He specifically said he wanted to go and see the ducks and who were we to deny him on his special day?

Also while there, I hatched a plan.

I've taken numerous pictures of the tree branches overhanging the lake there in all sorts of conditions (my favourite being one with the lake frozen over), but have never actually photographed the tree.

So, I decided that I would start a year-long project photographing the tree in each of the four seasons from the exact same position each time, and at the end produce some sort of "quad"tych (!!) to display the tree in all its glories.  This first image may not be the final composition I decide on, and I want the winter shot to contain some snow (or at least a heavy frost).

Fujifilm GFX100, Fujinon 23mm f4
0.9 seconds @f16, ISO 100
tripod, self-timed release

If you'd like to watch me introduce the project in slightly more detail, then go ahead and click the link below:


  1. I'm actually more interested in the 'face' I see in that trunk! ;)


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