I had a bad feeling about this from the start

As I type this on 2 February, it's 48 hours since my fourth covid jab, and I feel rotten.  And I think this is the reason why.

When I had what I believed was my booster back in October, I was told that as I'm classed as "clinically vulnerable" I'd need a further jab in six months to give me full protection.

Then in mid-January I had a text from my GP inviting me for another jab.  So, with the "six month" advice ringing in my ears I got in touch with them to check.  And they confirmed that they didn't even know I'd had my third jab as NHS Wales had not updated its systems!

Anyway, the upshot was that I was told I didn't need the jab.

A couple of days later I got another text, this time from NHS Wales themselves inviting me for a jab again. So, armed with the news from my GP I rang them to say there must be some mistake as I'd had my third jab three months ago.

NH(mes)S Wales
"Oh, that's all changed" I was told.  Advice is to now have your fourth jab three months after your third.  I queried this as my GP had told me no jab was necessary, but they insisted and being a responsible citizen, I duly trooped along for my shot.

And I really wish I hadn't.

I had the jab on Monday, and that night I was fine.  But I woke in the early hours of this (Wednesday) morning bathed in sweat and shivering so much my whole body went into spasm and I literally could not move.  Then the pain and nausea took over, so in went some Paracetamol.

It's now 3.30pm and I feel little better.  I don't have a fever - just all the symptoms.  I'm freezing cold yet sweating profusely (apologies for the lovely imagery!) and the cynic in me has taken over.  Why did the timescale change?  Was this a clinical move or did NHS Wales have a surplus of vaccines nearing their use-by date?

Whatever, if this is what covid feels like I'm glad I haven't contracted it (and yes, I get the irony in this statement) as this is bad enough!


Anyway, if you're less interested in the machinations of the Welsh health care system, and more excited at the prospect of seeing what lenses I use to make my landscape images, click below to watch a mid-week bonus YouTube video :-)


  1. Take heart in the knowledge that when you have a reaction like this to the vaccine your body is better prepared to fight the virus if you ever do get exposed! At least that's what the health officials over here are telling us..... :-/


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