she loves me....not

I recently tried some multi-shot macro photography where I shifted focus by a minuscule amount between shots, resulting in around 8-10 frames which I then stitched together using a piece of software called Helicon Focus.

The result is a macro image that is sharp over the whole area I want it to be, while still throwing the bits I don't want in focus into a nice, artistic blur.

After practicing on a couple pf flowers, I found this dandelion head with its very last seed clinging on for dear life and thought it would make for a lovely, if a little obvious shot. 

I hope you agree.  On the lovely bit, that is!

Fujifilm X-T4, Sigma 105mm f2.8 Macro lens
Beschoi Nikon F to Fujifilm X lens adapter
1/1000th of a second at f2.8, ISO 160
tripod, self-timed release

The image uses negative space as a compositional tool to make the subject stand out more, and in this week's YouTube video you can find out how I use effectively nothing to make a nice image,


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