something out of the ordinary

A few weeks back, and feeling the need to exercise away some of the birthday curry I'd consumed the evening before, I got Lisa to drop me off at our local train station so I could make the short walk (well, long walk for me!) along a footpath that runs alongside the tracks.

those silver birches I mentioned

I took a camera, of course, but not my super-duper one.  Instead I opted for my 10-year-old Fujifilm X-E1 along with a 35mm lens.

I've taken what I consider a decent landscape photo here before (of some silver birches) but this time I just wanted to snap away at whatever took my fancy - something I've very rarely done in the past.

Anyway, I came away with eleven half-decent images and one (the twelfth and last I shot) I'm actually proud enough of to share on my blog.

Fujifilm X-E1 (macro mode engaged), Fujinon XF35mm f2
1/320th of a second at f2, ISO 200

I really like the shallow depth of field the f2 aperture and macro mode afforded, with only a slither of the twisted dead grass in sharp focus and the background thrown out into pastel-green hues.  Lovely!

I also came away with some ideas for future images that may or may not transpire into shareable images but that's all part of the fun.

And that's what I took away from this short stroll - a lot of fun.  Oh, and some calories burnt away too!

And you won't be disappointed to know that my stroll has been turned into a short film, which you can watch by clicking below :-)


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