what the actual f@ck

After watching the excellent JWST documentary (see last week's post) I naturally hopped online to search for more images from and information on this true wonder of outer space.

I wasn't disappointed.

But along with the telescope recommendations, I noticed a rather strangely entitled video claiming that the whole thing is a fake; another NASA "movie" to go along with the ones they made about the moon landings.

I didn't watch it, but what I did do was look into some of the other crackpot conspiracy theories that can easily be found on YouTube.  Again, I wasn't disappointed (well, in my haul of videos at least) and came across such gems as:

- the earth is flat

- we live under a dome where all the stars, the sun and moon are lights that are switched on and off and the boundary of this dome "world" is a gigantic ice wall protected by NASA (who else?) and the Antarctic Treaty which forbids travel there (it doesn't but hey…)

- something called the Mud Fossil University whose claims are so bizarre I fear for my actual sanity if I type them or even say them out loud

- people who think certain animals (penguins are a favourite here) aren't real but are either small people dressed up, robots or CGI

- young earth creationists who are adamant that the world is around 6000 years old and was created by a higher being (nothing new here then - it's called religion but is just more ridiculous) despite there being absolutely no evidence to prove this 

- and people who claim birds aren't real but are government surveillance devices that have their batteries re-charged by sitting on power lines.

I kid you not, this is all out there and is frankly "out there".  

Now, I don't think for a minute that these protagonists of nonsense actually believe what they spout.  Most I would imagine are grifters, taking advantage of the genuinely stupid and making money from advertising revenue and the such.

But there are some people who will truly believe and defend this garbage.  I feel truly sorry for them.


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