I will do even more stupid things

Firstly, please accept my apologies for not posting the link to my video in last Thursday's blog.  I have rectified the situation though as I know hundreds of you will be disappointed (!!!) and you can now go back and watch it by clicking here:


Back in the middle of January, a day or so after my rather painful walk to Sgwd Gwladys, I decided to go out and explore tha winter wonderland that had been building over the last couple of freezing cold days.

Perfect, I figured, for a short stroll to my local patch of woodland to capture some hoar-frost type images.  So, I wrapped up really warmly, donned my hiking boots and set off - Dexter in one hand, my tripod / walking stick in the other and my canvas camera bag slung over my shoulder.

Now, it was very icy.  So much so that walking on the pavement was impossible.  Therefore, I took to walking along the (salted) road.

But as I crossed towards the entrance to the woods, disaster.  I felt my feet go from under me and…CRASH.  Down I came.

Luckily, I avoided landing on my back.  I fear if I had that I would have severely damaged the metalwork holding me together and possibly done some really serious damage.  I landed on my side instead.

Lucky, you'd think?  Well, no.  It was the side my camera bag was on, and the impact of a hefty chunk of lens burying itself into my rib cage was felt.  I screamed out more in fear than initial pain, and after a minute or so lying on the floor trying to get Dexter to come back to me I got up.

I couldn't feel any pain to start with, and even considered carrying on with my walk.  Then it hit me.  Hard.  A sharp, agonising pain in my side, akin to a stitch caused by exercising too hard.  And I realised I'd winded myself badly too.

I turned and walked home to a row from my wife for being so stupid.  Nothing like a bit of sympathy, aye!?

Now, a week or so later, the pain is finally starting to abate.  Not even my super-strength painkillers could ease it initially.  I probably should have gone to hospital, but the thought of waiting for hours to be seen along with the victims of drunken brawls and people who really don't need to be there wasn't particularly attractive.

Yep, I will do these silly things!

* update: 11 days after the fall and this is how my side is looking today.  I'm 99% certain I have broken a rib or two.  The pain seems to ease only to return with a vengeance, breathing is troublesome and coughing is out of the question!


Even though I'm somewhat incapacitated, I've still taken the time to film a video.  No photography in sight as it's all about the favourite double albums in my record collection.  Can you stand the excitement…

And while you're there, why not spend five minutes or so with Dexter and me on one of our little walks?  I must warn you though, absolutely nothing interesting happens in this video.  It really is just Dexter and me going for a walk and you will never get this time back!  Scenery is nice though…


  1. I'm trying VERY hard to be nice in this comment!!!!!!! So, I will end it here. (make your own conclusions.......and stay off the ice, you knucklehead!)


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