I'm really rather proud of this one

Every week I try to take a short stroll in my local patch of nature.  It's good for both my physical (well, after it stops hurting that is) and my mental health.

I usually snap away at the flora there, trying to document how the area changes throughout the year, from the barren and sometimes frozen beauty of the winter through to high summer when everything is green and abundant.

lately though, and especially after buying a telephoto lens and 2x magnifier, I've started taking pictures of birds.  I'm sure you've seen my "efforts" on here.  And efforts is all they really are if I'm honest.  Until, that is, I got this picture of a house sparrow.

It's a really beautiful bird, and I think I've actually managed to capture its full gorgeousness!

Fujifilm X-T5, Fujinon 50-140mm f2.8 @ 140mm, plus 2X Teleconverter
1/125th of a second at f5.6, ISO 125

As is usual, you can watch the video accompanying the making of this, a few other utterly bang average photographs and fond out all about my new very old camera bag, just by simply clicking the link below…

I'm rapidly, well slowly actually, heading towards 500,000 views on my YouTube channel.  Now, for some, they get this many in the first few minutes of posting a video and not the several years it's taken me!  But it's yet another milestone (this blog is 800 posts old in a week or so) that I'm really proud of.


  1. Spectacular! (I feel like I use the word 'stunning' too much here so I tried to think of a synonym 😂)


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