am I the world's most boring man?

I've never really been what one might term "exciting".  

I mean, I've never been one to like the nightlife, so no pubbing and clubbing for me.  In fact, I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've set foot in a night club.  I remember a friend taking me to one years ago, and after paying some exorbitant fee to get in, I took one long look around and walked straight back out!

I've never been into such things as diverse as gambling or rock climbing, or diving or doing anything remotely interesting really.  Never been that interested in exotic or adventurous foreign or domestic holidays either.

You could say I've always enjoyed the quieter things in life.  When I was fit and able, I loved riding my bike, hiking in the mountains or to waterfalls, or just exploring the coast near my home.

And these days?  Well, I'm at my most happiest buried deep in nature, just watching animals and insects go about their business.  Or photographing land and seascapes, waiting for that ideal  patch of light to make it all worthwhile.

But even I have surpassed my own levels of tedium now!

A while ago, while walking in the woods,  I spotted a pile of fallen holly leaves and thought to myself that they would look nice in a couple of months when rot and decay has set in.  Now, it takes a special level of bore to get excited by dead leaves.

And not only have I reached that level, I photographed the leaves as proof!

Nikon D700, Micro Nikkor 105mm f2.8G
2 seconds at f11, ISO 200
tripod, self-timer release

So, I proudly claim my title as the world's most boring man.  Unless you know an even more boring one that is!

You can see my entry for the 2023 Borequest by watching on the video below:


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