seeing the wood through the trees

First it was macro, then woodland, and now bird photography that I'm trying to grasp and (well, almost) perfect.

My main method for getting a shot of a lovely blue tit or the like is to watch the woodland for a while and see where they perch and feel comfortable enough to stick around.  The strategic placement of bird food helps here!

I then pre-focus and expose for that area and just wait.  Sometimes the birds come there and sometimes they stop, obviously knowing that I want to take their picture.

Fujifilm X-T5, Fujinon 100-400mm f4-f5.6 @ 400mm
1/250th of a second at f5.6, ISO 800

A by-product of this method the other week though was a quite lovely little woodland scene.  My camera was having trouble locking focus on a branch and kept defaulting to a nearer tree. 

But looking at the image I really liked it.  It looks like a little woodland growing on a bigger tree branch.  A wood within a wood if you like!

And yes, I did eventually get my blue tit!


Ever wondered how I find images for these blog entries?  Well, archived images that I've not shot recently that is.  No?  Well, wonder no more as by watching this fascinating (no, really) video you can find out just how, and why I organise everything photographic in my life.

You might be surprised...

Go on - it's only a few minutes of your life that you'll never get back, but hey!



  1. It's just a matter of time before you get a shot of the faeries! 😀


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