I'm over here

It was over twenty years ago.  Yes, that long ago that I last had an eye test!

Now, I know, I should have one every year, but with all the other hospital and GP appointments, along with what seem like weekly covid boosters it somehow slipped away from my consciousness.  Well, that and the fact that I've never really had any problems seeing.

Until the last few months that is, when I noticed a marked and very real decrease in my ability to read smaller print - something I always prided myself on being able to do.

So, today (17 October) I visited an optician for the first time in two decades.  It all started off well enough; I mean I managed to find the place so my eyes can't be that bad.

After an incredibly thorough examination, including scans of the back of my eyes even I was me with the words that I am now ever so slightly short-sighted, and that I would benefit from having reading glasses.

I have been using a pair of those cheap magnifying spectacles that you can get in a £1 shop, and the optician explained that while these were probably fine for me, my short-sightedness is in one eye only, and therefore I really would benefit from a more dedicated prescription.  As indeed would they when selling me my glasses but that's by the by!

And there it is then.  In around a week to ten days I'll join the ranks of spectacle wearers.  I hope they come in a nice case so I can lose that as well.


As a follow up to the video looking at the stills images coming out of my new iPhone 15 Pro Max, this week you can marvel at the video it produces.  All from the comfort of your armchair, and just a click away...

I also forgot to post the video of the stills camera test in my last blog post.  So, here it is:


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