fallen leaves and falling acorns

When strolling among the patch of woodland near my home at this time of year, you really do experience sensory overload.

The green of summer is beginning to give way to those lovely, warm autumnal hues and the fallen leaves provide a soft carpet underfoot which, when dry, gives off that lovely crunchy, crackly sound to accompany each footstep.  And when wet, the aroma is one of pure countryside.

Another sense that comes into play is touch or feel.  I love running my hands along the soft, star-shaped moss that grows there, but am less keen on the sharp thud of an acorn as it drops on my head!

Such an occurrence is not without its benefits though, as spotting a cluster of fallen acorns - some still in their little "cases" - facilitated this week's image.

Fujifilm X-H2, Fujinon 35mm f2
3 seconds at f2.8, ISO 125
tripod, self timer release
65 images blended in Helicon Focus

It's an image I'm really very, very proud of.  OK I was lucky with the soft but warm light and the absolutely flat calm conditions allowing me to shoot over a period of three to four minutes, but capturing this scene is something that has brought me enormous pleasure.

I hope you like it too.

uhhhm - not sure how this happened but despite me taking a break from uploading to YouTube I managed to make a video completely by accident, and here it is…


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