this is just why I prefer this lens

I've gone on and on in this blog about how much I love my Micro-Nikkor 105mm f2.8G lens. And yes, it deserves its full name - it's that great!

And this image I think perfectly demonstrates why I love it so much.

It's not that it's hyper-detailed - my Fujifilm X-H2 and Laowa Ultra-Macro lens will knock spots of it in that regard - it's just that the images I get from it, especially when mounted natively on my ancient Nikon D700, have that dream-like quality that the out-of-focus areas provides.

Anyway, here's the image...

Nikon D700, Micro-Nikkor 105mm f2.8G
1/160th of a second at f3.5, ISO 200


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