
Sorry for the depressing blog entry, but I think it finally hit me today that I have cancer.

It's a cancer that will never go away and will eventually, one day hopefully in the very distant future, see me off.

This epiphany didn't occur at home, where I find it hard to deal with the pain, or at hospital when I went for my second radio therapy session today.

No, it hit me straight between the eyes when I called into Maggie's, a drop in centre for anyone affected by cancer - either directly or indirectly.

There I met a lot of really nice people, all of whom were waiting for loved ones who were attending a therapy session.  I sat at a table of healthy people with my cup of tea and piece of cake and explained my cancer to them while they listened attentively.  There and then, I finally admitted it to myself.

I'll be going to Maggie's a lot over the next 12 months or so, not just to meet fellow sufferers but also to see the nursing staff there.  It's not connected to the hospital (although it is conveniently located on hospital grounds) so I'll be able to get a different perspective on my illness as well as being able to join in with what look like fun sessions.

I have friends who have used Maggie's while they've been affected by cancer and they all, to a man (and woman) sing its praises very highly indeed.

But you know what I was most impressed with?  The stunning architecture?  The immediate feeling of being at home?  The wonderful, friendly staff?  No, while all these things help, the real reason is that they have Apple iMac computers for visitors to use.

It will be just like being at home.


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