
More often than not, when I’m taking a photograph I want a clean, crisp, sharp image.

But just sometimes a dreamy, almost “lo-fi” image can work.  Something perhaps evoking old film photography memories. You remember, when we’d take 36 frames but maybe three or four were actually any good?

I took this image back in the Summer at the end of another long, hot day meaning the scene was quite hazy and de-saturated.  I thought it would lend itself to a simple, end of the day type image to reflect the laziness of the Summer and bring some calm coolness to a hot, hot day.

It’s shot with my telephoto zoom from Mumbles, looking across Swansea Bay and I like the pastel colours in the sky and the orange float echoing the sky's colours and helping balance the image.  I wish the sea had been flat calm though, and I couldn’t shoot a long enough exposure to make it appear still as the boat would then have been far from sharp enough for the image to work I think.

Fujifilm X-T2, Fujinon 55-200mm f3.5 – 4.8 @200mm
1/350thof a second at f6.4, ISO 200

Anyway, I for one am glad the Summer is now over, and proper photography in the cold can begin!


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