Apple out drew me

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog entry about the Apple pencil, and how Apple cleverly market their devices and ultimately sell them to us, I think we’re called, idiots!

I also wrote that I was more than happy with my normal pencils thank you very much and would have no need for such a silly device.

I think you can already tell where this week’s entry is heading?!

That’s right.  I got one.  But for a very good reason.

I recently bought myself an iPad.  I didn’t need or want one of these either until Apple announced its new dedicated iPad operating system due out this Autumn. With this new “iPad OS” comes the ability to run an iPad as a second monitor alongside an iMac (Apple call it "sidecar").  This is where having an iPad now makes sense, as it can be used as a photo editing tablet.  

Or at least it soon will be.

So, as usual, Apple got me right in the wallet.  It might have taken a while but there you are.

I realise that I now own all the Apple devices from an iPhone through iPad and MacBook right up to an iMac.  I am, as they say, fully invested in their ecosystem (for bad or good – you decide!).

All I need now is an Apple Watch and I’ll have their complete product line.  Of course, I’ll never be so stupid as to get one of those.



  1. I am suspicious of people 'from the dark side' (what my family calls Apple users.) I don't get why they would stand outside a store for hours, sometimes DAYS waiting for the next BIG THING. Or spend such an exorbitant amount of $$$ on the devices..... I guess I'm not their demographic. LOL.....

  2. I'm the lucky one who gets Nick's cast-offs :-)


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