lavender fields

Another image from Kent this week.  Only this time nowhere near the coast, but instead inland at a lavender farm.

I love lavender and grow it in my own garden.  This operation however is on an industrial scale, and at this time of the year the plants begin to look their best.

Once again though, visiting at the best time of the day was out of the question, so I hoped for a day with stormy skies that would contrast with the beautiful lavender blooms.

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon GF 23mm f4.0
1/5thof a second at f16, ISO 100
Tripod, self-timer release

The shot was quite tricky to execute, requiring three filters to get the desired result:

-      a circular polarising filter to help saturate the colours in the field
-      a 3-stop graduated filter to darken the sky
-      my 3-stop reverse graduated filter to add a deep magenta cast - not to the sky but to the foreground.

I’m really pleased with the final result.

As an addendum to last Thursday’s post, I would add that I always vote in elections – be they local council ones or those to elect a new government.  But at present no one is reaching out to me.  I feel like protesting or just spoiling my paper - there is literally no one worthy of voting for.  We have, I feel, finally scraped the bottom of the political barrel.

It’s akin to popping into the shops only to find all the groceries vastly past their use by date and rotted away.  There’s not even a half decent barely edible piece of broccoli (which I hate) left.


  1. I hear ya' about the political choices. It's very disheartening. Which, to me, means I just have to hold on, vote for the least objectionable candidate and do what I can to encourage better choices next time. Lovely picture, BTW....(and thanks a lot for the earworm.....I'll be hearing 'Strawberry Fields Forever' in my head all day because of your title! LOL)


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