I am a massive hypocrite

NB: this post was written well before the Covid-19 outbreak

starting this Saturday - "The Isolation Diaries"

You can't move these days without being told by Greta Thunberg that we're all murdering the planet, and by Donald Trump that Greta is a mis-informed spoilsport brat.

I'm with Greta.  And not because I disagree with everything Donny boy says, but because she's 100% right.  If it's not already too late then we have to pro-actively save our planet.  We can't leave it to the next generation or it might very well be the last this planet of ours ever sees.

I'm doing my bit: I've become a vegetarian again and am seriously considering going the whole hog (pardon the pun) and leap into veganism (is that even a word?!).  Couple that with the fact that I'll likely never fly again and it's fair to say that I'm changing my ways.

But I could do so much more, and this is where my hypocrisy rears its ugly head.

I go to Costa and Starbucks, and have the odd MacDonald's.  I use Amazon and, worst of all, I drive around in a 300 horse-power gas guzzling sports car.

it is very, very nice though...

I have vowed that when I next change my car I'll get at least an electric / petrol hybrid and nothing uneconomical.  And I'm trying to use local coffee shops over global brands wherever I can.  Amazon though is a tougher nut to crack.  I mean they stock stuff that you can't normally get locally, and travelling somewhere they do is hardly ecological, even in an electric car.

So, until I own everything I will ever need I will always be a hypocrite.  The hypocrite who has everything!


  1. Me too., unfortunately. But at least we are thinking adults and we're trying to mend our ways......


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