well, that was fun

I hope you enjoyed the last few posts - my crash course in landscape photography - and that it's inspired you to get out and take some pictures.

Although it was a lot of hard work I really enjoyed putting it all together, from the writing to sourcing images for it.  Yes I know you've seen most of them before but hey-ho, they're some of my best photos so I was proud to include them.  And there were some new ones in there too.

Best of all though, putting this course together gave me a sense of purpose - for a while anyway.  It was just like being back at work.  In fact, it seemed harder than work if I'm truthful, perhaps because I was so emotionally invested in the content.

I may not have got everything text-book correct.  But that wasn't the point of the exercise.  I set out to share how I go about making images with anyone who took the time and effort to read through it all (well done if you did by the way!).  And if one small slither of information or inspiration resonated with anybody then I succeeded.

Trouble is, what to do next?


  1. What to do next is to look for galleries and put together a solid proposal! Galleries are always looking to feature local art/artists that are about their area. Look for some that are nearby.......,get to know them, build a relationship, look at their website for info about submissions. A show featuring places that people are familiar with but seen through your 'eyes' would be a hit IMHO. Go for it!


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